Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bonfires, Barbecues and Hermit Crab Racing

Hello hello,
This week has been quite full. I have now also passed my fish test both on the computer and in-water. A bit amazing as I did it at the first attempt: I wasn't too sure I was going to but I suppose all our dives and book consultations during our holidays in the Maldives and in Egypt has really helped me with learning the families fast then it was just a question of learning a few more families and all the species. Apparently I am the first volunteer in a long time to pass both in-water and computer fish tests at the first attempt (and the only one on this expedition; which means I have to wear some funny gilet called 'the golden fleece' as a trophy every night for dinner doh :) . As learning the fish and the science side was really what I wanted to get out of this experience you can imagine how happy I am with myself (big smile :)

Went camping to the Northern beaches the night before yesterday. The northern beaches is an area where a planned new Marine Protected Area has been agreed with the locals and where BV is going to build an eco-lodge (which this expedition is starting). The eco-lodge will eventually be run by the locals and the profit will benefit the local village. We will be camping on a rotation basis to start working on building the site there so a couple of nights ago we went to spend our party night there (as a trial) and we had a huge bonfire (the biggest I have ever seen). There was a lot of wood from the clear-up of the beach. I took so many photos!! It was great. We cooked there (lovely BBQed Zebu kebabs) and had a Hermit Crab race (he he). The moon was lighting the sea and the beach and it was great. I have now been nick-named by other volunteers 'the prepared one' (it makes me laugh) because I am always prepared with my kit wherever I go: I was the only one to have mozzy repellent on the mangrove trip and for the camp night the only one who brought the mozzy net along which made my sleeping area look like some regal bedroom: it was pretty funky and I was very happy to have brought it with me (no mozzies at night but more important, no persistent flies to disturb my sleep in the morning; sweet).

Had a great recreational dive today on Yellow Brick Road (very cool dive site). There was a resident grey reef shark too but I missed it. I took nice pictures however. Just come back from my camping night on the northern beaches. It was so cool. I went there with two staff (Ashley our canadian field scientist and Alan, her boyfriend and expedition manager) plus other two volunteers (James from England and Els, a Dutch girl). We went there yesterday late afternoon/sunset and we lit a fire to cook some pasta and heat some fish. I then set up 'my bedroom' under the stars and we played poker till we were to tired to continue :) Got up at about 6.30 this morning and started working on the jobs to build up the site. I have built a really cool table, I was quite impressed at my carpentry skills :) . It was bliming hot especially when cutting the wood!! Sweat dripping from face and all (very charming) had to go and dip into the sea every now and then, what a bummer ;) We stopped at around 11.00 am as too hot and we went for a walk to a well not far from there into the spiny forest and saw my very first wild Chameleon on a tree. It is such a funny animal. I was so happy.

Yesterday saw my first Hammerhead Shark, unfortunately it wasn;t while diving. This was the day's catch of a fisherman's pirogue during my fish monitoring shift (we go down Andavadoaka beach every other saturday to record the fish they catch, not too sure if I told you already now). It is a shame that my first real life hammerhead had to be a dead one. A beauty roughly 2 meters long and a small baby (a real shame, they are truly awesome creatures).

PS: thanks a lot for the messages from the blog. It was nice to read them. Say hello to everybody and enjoy the Xmas parties.


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